ICCF21 Conference

ICCF-21 was held from 3 – 8 June, 2018 at The Lory Student Center at Colorado State University, in Fort Collins, CO, in the U.S. See:


The Proceedings of this conference are in the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Volume 29, August 2019

Videos, slides and abstracts from the conference are available here:




Books by Beaudette, Mallove and Mizuno in Kindle format

Three important books about cold fusion are now available in the Kindle e-book format:

Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Prevailed, by Charles G. Beaudette

Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor, by Eugene Mallove

Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold Fusion, by Tadahiko Mizuno

ICCF20, 2-7 October 2016

ICCF20, the 20th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science was held in Sendai, Japan, 2-7 October 2016. The website is here:


Statement of Industrial Heat Regarding LENR Industry Developments

The following statement has been released from Industrial Heat for Infinite Energy Magazine today, March 10, 2016.  —Marianne Macy

Industrial Heat’s objective is to make clean, safe and affordable energy available everywhere, and in doing this we want to build a company that demonstrates respect for all. LENR is a key focus of Industrial Heat and we believe multiple technologies in this sector warrant further investigation and development.

Industrial Heat has licensed, acquired or invested in several LENR technologies from around the world. We have developed a group of LENR thought leaders, and we have built a world-class engineering team. We are pleased with the technologies we have assembled and with the group of scientists and engineers working on them. Presently, the Industrial Heat team is in the midst of assessing and prioritizing the technologies in our portfolio.

Our operating philosophy is to foster scientific and engineering rigor in the development of LENR. We will thoroughly assess data derived from sound experiments which we design, control and monitor.

Embracing failure as well as success is important, because we learn from both. Unfortunately, there is a long and continuing pattern of premature proclamations in the LENR sector.

Because of this, we encourage open-minded skepticism. We believe society suffers when technological advances and innovative experimentation are stifled; likewise, society and the industry suffer when results are promoted and claims are made without rigorous verification and precise measurement.

We value credibility through sound LENR research. That’s why any claims made about technologies in our portfolio should only be relied upon if affirmed by Industrial Heat and backed by reputable third parties who have verified our results in repeated experiments.

Our portfolio of work has never been stronger and we remain excited about the potential we see. This optimism is grounded in more than just hope, yet a great deal of work remains. The energy challenges of today must be met with viable, clean, safe and affordable solutions.

Edmund Storms announces new results with palladium

Dr. Edmund Storms has recently published five reports describing recent replications of the palladium deuterium cold fusion experiments. These are available at his website http://lenrexplained.com/

Description of website:

The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction: An Examination of the Relationship between Observation and Explanation by Dr. Edmund Storms attempts to bridge the gap between what is thought to be true and possible by conventional scientists and what is claimed by people advocating the reality of the cold fusion phenomenon. In addition, a new explanation is proposed that is consistent with accepted natural law and with all behavior attributed to cold fusion.

The five reports are summarized here: http://lenrexplained.com/tag/progress-report/

The individual reports are available in Acrobat format:

Study of PdD as a host for LENR

Calibration of the Seebeck calorimeter

Insights obtained during the initial study

Effect of important variables

Behavior of pure PdD This report describes excess heat up to 360 mW correlated with radiation.

Additional behavior of pure PdD


YouTube video: Brief Introduction to Cold Fusion

We have published a 6-minute video, A Brief Introduction to Cold Fusion. This video explains why we know that cold fusion is a real effect, why it is not yet a practical source of energy, and why it will  have many advantages if it can be made practical. The script for this video along with Explanatory Notes and Additional Resources is here.

Current Science, Special Section: Low Energy Nuclear Reactions

The journal Current Science, Vol. 108, No. 4, published on February 25, 2015 includes 35 papers about cold fusion, Special Section: Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. The online edition is here.


Srinivasan, M.; Meulenberg, A.

Cold fusion: comments on the state of scientific proof
McKubre, Michael C. H.

Extensions to physics: what cold fusion teaches
Meulenberg, A.


Phonon models for anomalies in condensed matter nuclear science
Hagelstein, Peter L.; Chaudhary, Irfan U.


Development status of condensed cluster fusion theory
Takahashi, Akito


Model of low energy nuclear reactions in a solid matrix with defects
Sinha, K. P.


Selective resonant tunnelling — turning hydrogen-storage material into energetic material
Liang, C. L.; Dong, Z. M.; Li, X. Z.


Coherent correlated states of interacting particles — the possible key to paradoxes and features of LENR
Vysotskii, Vladimir I.; Vysotskyy, Mykhaylo V.


How the explanation of LENR can be made consistent with observed behaviour and natural laws
Storms, Edmund


Introduction to the main experimental findings of the LENR field
Storms, Edmund


Review of materials science for studying the Fleischmann and Pons effect
Violante, V.; Castagna, E.; Lecci, S.; Sarto, F.; Sansovini, M.; Torre, A.; La Gatta, A.; Duncan, R.; Hubler, G.; El Boher, A.; Aziz, O.; Pease, D.; Knies, D.; McKubre, M.


Highly reproducible LENR experiments using dual laser stimulation
Letts, Dennis


Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance
Hubler, G. K.; El-Boher, A.; Azizi, O.; Pease, D.; He, J. H.; Isaacson, W.; Gangopadhyay, S.; Violante, V.


Progress towards understanding anomalous heat effect in metal deuterides
Azizi, O.; El-Boher, A.; He, J. H.; Hubler, G. K.; Pease, D.; Isaacson, W.; Violante, V.; Gangopadhyay, S.


Replicable cold fusion experiment: heat/helium ratio
Lomax, Abd ul-Rahman


Observation of radio frequency emissions from electrochemical loading experiments
Kidwell, D. A.; Dominguez, D. D.; Grabowski, K. S.; DeChiaro Jr, L. F.


Condensed matter nuclear reactions with metal particles in gases
Cravens, Dennis; Swartz, Mitchell R.; Ahern, Brian


Use of CR-39 detectors to determine the branching ratio in Pd/D co-deposition
Mosier-Boss, P. A.; Forsley, L. P.; Roussetski, A. S.; Lipson, A. G.; Tanzella, F.; Saunin, E. I.; McKubre, M.; Earle, B.; Zhou, D.


Brief summary of latest experimental results with a mass-flow calorimetry system for anomalous heat effect of nano-composite metals under D(H)-gas charging
Kitamura, A.; Takahashi, A.; Seto, R.; Fujita, Y.; Taniike, A.; Furuyama, Y.


Condensed matter nuclear science research status in China
Dong, Z. M.; Liang, C. L.; Li, X. Z.


Dry, preloaded NANOR®-type CF/LANR components
Swartz, Mitchell R.; Verner, Goyle M.; Tolleson, Jeffrey W.; Hagelstein, Peter L.


Directional X-ray and gamma emission in experiments in condensed matter nuclear science
Hagelstein, Peter L.


Observation and investigation of anomalous X-ray and thermal effects of cavitation
Vysotskii, V. I.; Kornilova, A. A.; Vasilenko, A. O.


Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project status review
Valat, Mathieu; Hunt, Ryan; Greenyer, Bob


Observation of neutrons and tritium in the early BARC cold fusion experiments
Srinivasan, Mahadeva


Introduction to isotopic shifts and transmutations observed in LENR experiments
Srinivasan, Mahadeva


Transmutation reactions induced by deuterium permeation through nano-structured palladium multilayer thin film
Iwamura, Yasuhiro; Itoh, Takehiko; Tsuruga, Shigenori


Biological transmutations
Biberian, Jean-Paul


Microbial transmutation of Cs-137 and LENR in growing biological systems
Vysotskii, V. I.; Kornilova, A. A.


Energy gains from lattice-enabled nuclear reactions
Nagel, David J.


Lattice-enabled nuclear reactions in the nickel and hydrogen gas system
Nagel, David J.


Summary report: ‘Introduction to Cold Fusion’ — IAP course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Verner, Gayle; Swartz, Mitchell; Hagelstein, Peter


Status of cold fusion research in Japan
Kitamura, Akira


Condensed matter nuclear reaction products observed in Pd/D co-deposition experiments
Mosier-Boss, P. A.; Forsley, L. P.; Gordon, F. E.; Letts, D.; Cravens, D.; Miles, M. H.; Swartz, M.; Dash, J.; Tanzella, F.; Hagelstein, P.; McKubre, M.; Bao, J.




ICCF19 was held in April 2015

The ICCF19 International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science was held in Padua, Italy, April 13 – 17, 2015. The conference website is here:


Here is an overview of the conference by David Nagel.

Levi et al. publish a second, extended report on Rossi reactor

The professors who published a report on Andrea Rossi’s high temperature reactor have followed up with second, extended test and a more detailed report:

Levi, G., et al., Observation of abundant heat production from a reactor device and of isotopic changes in the fuel. 2014, Bologna University. A copy is here.

Five outside experts in mass spectroscopy and related fields contributed four appendixes covering the radiation, materials, SIMS and ICP analyses. The research was sponsored by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Elforsk AB., Officine Ghidoni SA, and Industrial Heat LLC (USA).

This test produced 1.5 megawatt-hours of energy continuously, over 32 days. This is 5,825 MJ, or as much energy as you get from burning 139 kg of gasoline. This is a new record for a cold fusion reaction. Previous large reactions produced 50 to 300 MJ.

Michael McKubre reviewed the paper here.

Mats Lewan described the paper here.

Thomas Clarke reviewed that paper here, citing a number of errors.

Here is the Abstract and part of the conclusion:

New results are presented from an extended experimental investigation of anomalous heat production in a special type of reactor tube operating at high temperatures. The reactor, named E-Cat, is charged with a small amount of hydrogen-loaded nickel powder plus some additives, mainly Lithium. The reaction is primarily initiated by heat from resistor coils around the reactor tube. Measurements of the radiated power from the reactor were performed with high-resolution thermal imaging cameras. The measurements of electrical power input were performed with a large bandwidth three-phase power analyzer. Data were collected during 32 days of running in March 2014. The reactor operating point was set to about 1260ºC in the first half of the run, and at about 1400°C in the second half. The measured energy balance between input and output heat yielded a COP factor of about 3.2 and 3.6 for the 1260ºC and 1400ºC runs, respectively. The total net energy obtained during the 32 days run was about 1.5 MWh. This amount of energy is far more than can be obtained from any known chemical sources in the small reactor volume. A sample of the fuel was carefully examined with respect to its isotopic composition before the run and after the run, using several standard methods: XPS, EDS, SIMS, ICP-MS and ICP-AES. The isotope composition in Lithium and Nickel was found to agree with the natural composition before the run, while after the run it was found to have changed substantially. Nuclear reactions are therefore indicated to be present in the run process, which however is hard to reconcile with the fact that no radioactivity was detected outside the reactor during the run.

In summary, the performance of the E-Cat reactor is remarkable. We have a device giving heat energy compatible with nuclear transformations, but it operates at low energy and gives neither nuclear radioactive waste nor emits radiation. From basic general knowledge in nuclear physics this should not be possible. Nevertheless we have to relate to the fact that the experimental results from our test show heat production beyond chemical burning, and that the E-Cat fuel undergoes nuclear transformations. It is certainly most unsatisfying that these results so far have no convincing theoretical explanation, but the experimental results cannot be dismissed or ignored just because of lack of theoretical understanding. . . .

Magnus Olofsson, the CEO of Elforsk wrote about this paper in NyTeknik. He said (Google translation):

Elforsk has in recent years followed the development of what has come to be called nuclear reactions at low energy, LENR – Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. Elforsk include published a compilation of knowledge about LENR. Elforsk has also co-funded the current measurements and earlier measurements. While the earlier measurements showed an unexplained excess energy. . . .

Elforsk takes now the initiative to build a comprehensive Swedish research initiative. More knowledge is needed to understand and explain. Let us engage more researchers in searching [this] phenomenon and then explain how it works.

Here is the official statement about this paper at Elforsk’s website, in Swedish and English.

Mats Lewan reports on Rossi, and Defkalion

Reporter Mats Lewan of the Ny Teknik magazine has published a book about the cold fusion researcher Andrea Rossi. The book is titled An Impossible Invention. It is available in English, Swedish and Italian. You can read the first chapter or order the book here.

Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson published a comment at Nature.com describing the book:

The highlight of the week was the publication of Mats Lewan’s book ‘An Impossible Invention’, subtitled The true story of the energy source that could change the world. The author, a science and technology writer, has been investigating the controversial Rossi reactor or E-cat in depth in the 3 years since its initial presentation in Bologna in January 2011.  . . 

Besides following the course of developments in detail, Lewan gives much attention to the question of whether the device is genuine, or whether fraud is involved. One important event was a long-period investigation [by ELFORSK], published at arXiv:1305.3913, providing strong evidence of the production of anomalous heat.  . . .

This fascinating book provides the answers to many questions about the E-cat, and should be read by all skeptics.

(Quoted in full here.)

In his blog about the book, Lewan revealed that the video demonstration test performed by Defkalion Green Technologies during the ICCF18 conference in July 2013 was invalid. The flow rate was measured incorrectly, because the flow meter was affected by backflow. Subsequent tests showed that the meter sometimes measured as much as 1 L/min when the valve was closed and flow was zero. The instruments indicate spurious excess heat of up to 17 kW where the actual power is 2.5 kW.

The video demonstration test was performed in Italy by a join-venture company Defkalion Europe (DE). Luca Gamberale of DE discovered the problems with the test and wrote about them in his Final technical report on the Defkalion GT calorimetric protocol. As described in the report, when DE discovered the problems, they “immediately stopped/froze all negotiations with both Italian and foreign companies to protect their clients.” DE is now defunct.

Lewan’s blog entry and his discussion with Gamberale reveals even more problems with Defkalion.