Archives for January 2008

Cold fusion conferences held in India

Two cold fusion conferences were held in India:

“Low Energy Nuclear Reactions: Third Route to Nuclear Energy” at Hyderabad hosted by Pentagram Research Foundation on January 3, 2008

A one-day discussion meeting at the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) in Bangalore, January 9, 2008. Mahadeva Srinivasan reports that many senior scientists “gathered to take stock of the status of cold fusion” at this meeting, and: “The meeting concluded on a very positive note resolving to send a formal recommendation to the office of the Chief Scientific Advisor to the cabinet in Delhi, namely Dr. R. Chidambaram that cold fusion research be funded adequately.”

Michael McKubre (SRI) and Steven Krivit (New Energy Times) attended the meetings. McKubre reports: “The interactions we had with Indian scientists, politicians  and businessmen were in  every instance and degree more positive and substantive than I had  any reason to dream possible. . . . India is ready to roar!”

NatureINDIA published an on-line article describing the NIAS meeting by K. S. Jayaraman, “Cold fusion hot again.” The article quotes P. K. Iyengar: “‘We did great injustice to the country by stopping the research that was going on at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre BARC),’ Padmanabha Krishnagopala Iyengar, considered the father of cold fusion in India, told Nature India. Iyengar, former director of BARC, who could not attend the meeting, said on phone that India had lost out 15 years by this wrong move but even now ‘it is not too late to revive it.'” The meeting was also described by M. Srinivsan in Current Science, “Meeting Report — Energy Concepts for the 21st Century.”

The LENR-CANR BARC Studies In Cold Fusion Special Collection includes several papers by Iyengar, Srinivasan and other BARC researchers.

Lecture by Edmund Storms at YouTube

Edmund Storms, “How to Cause Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR),” recorded December 2008.

The PowerPoint slides for the lecture are here. It is easier to read these full-sized slides than it is to read the ones in the video.