Archives for August 2012

Cold fusion featured at NIWeek 2012

On August 6 – 9 National Instrument held its annual global conference on graphical system design, NIWeek 2012.

NI’s cofounder, President, and CEO, Dr. James Truchard kicked off the week with a 19-minute presentation, available on YouTube. Starting at minute 15, he described NI’s projects relating to cold fusion. He was strongly supportive of cold fusion. He pointed out that several leading cold fusion researchers are attending the conference.

These researchers gave presentations during the conference, which were reportedly well received.  Francesco Celani, of Frascati Lab. ENEA, brought a demonstration cell to the conference which was left running the entire time, apparently producing excess heat. Celani will bring the demonstration to ICCF17 next week. He has written a new paper about it for ICCF17.

Here is an NIWeek lecture on cold fusion by Duncan and Morrow, “Anomalous Heat Effects.”

The cold fusion presentations at NIWeek were described in the New Energy Times, “LENR Gets Major Boost From National Instruments.” They were mentioned in a US News report, “New Burst of Energy Could Bring Cold Fusion to Front Burner.”

Martin Fleischmann dead at 85

Martin Fleischmann died on August 3, 2012 at age 85. Fleischmann and his colleague Stanley Pons discovered cold fusion in the 1980s.

Infinite Energy published an obituary with comments from many leading researchers.

Here is an obituary written by Brian Josephson in The Guardian.