The 15th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals and CleanHME General Assembly was held 25 September – 29 September 2022
Location: Hotel Domus Pacis Assisi, Piazza Porziuncola, 1 I-06081, Santa Maria degli Angeli (PG), Italy
A library of papers about cold fusion
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The 15th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals and CleanHME General Assembly was held 25 September – 29 September 2022
Location: Hotel Domus Pacis Assisi, Piazza Porziuncola, 1 I-06081, Santa Maria degli Angeli (PG), Italy
Librarian: Jed Rothwell • 3625 Woodstream Circle, Brookhaven, GA 30319 • Skype: 678-436-3035
JedRothwell at-sign