ICCF-15 Conference

The 15th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science was held in Rome, Italy, October 5 – 9, 2009. The website is here: http://iccf15.frascati.enea.it/

The conference was sponsored by the ENEA (the Italian National Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment), the Italian Physical Society, the Italian Chemical Society, The National Research Council (CNR), and Energetics Technologies. The conference opened with brief lectures by the presidents of the Physical and Chemical societies. One hundred fifty four people attended, with more young researchers in attendance compared to previous ICCF conferences. Many new and significant experimental results were reported, in addition to several successful replications of the Arata nanoparticle gas loading technique. Arata himself reported increased heat from a new cell design and improved calorimetry.

The conference revealed interest in the subject at a growing number of university and government laboratories in several countries. For example, impressive results were reported by researchers at the ENEA, SRI and U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Kobe University and elsewhere. Better instruments, such as high precision microcalorimeters and custom designed mass spectrometers have been used to confirm the results and to characterize improved materials, leading to larger and more reproducible excess heat and other effects. As a result, better understanding about how the novel process works is being achieved.

The book of abstracts is here: http://iccf15.frascati.enea.it/docs/Abstracts.pdf

Many of the PowerPoint slide presentations are here: http://iccf15.frascati.enea.it/ICCF15-PRESENTATIONS

A review of the conference is here: Scientific Overview of ICCF15.

The deadline for submitting a paper for the proceedings is November 30, 2009. The proceedings will be published on line at an ENEA web site with links to the LENR.org website. A printed book will be published by ENEA and will be available.