On September 30, 2005, the National Public Radio program “Living On Earth” broadcast an 18-minute segment about cold fusion. It is focused on the May 21, 2005 Cold Fusion Colloquium at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It features brief interviews with noted cold fusion researchers, including M. Swartz, D. Nagel, M. Fleischmann, M. McKubre and others, as well as some comments by leading opponents to the field. This show may be re-broadcast on other NPR affiliates. An audio recording and transcript of the program is available here:
It should be noted that negative comments made by R. Garwin in this broadcast contradict his own 1993 evaluation that he reported to the Department of Defense. See:
In 1993 Garwin wrote:
“The uncertainty in excess power measurement is about 50 milliwatts, but the excess power appears to be on the order of 500 milliwatts or even 1 watt peak. . . .
“We believe that there are a few things (probably irrelevant) not very well understood by the experimenters. . . .
We have found no specific experimental artifact responsible for the finding of excess heat . . .”
Yet in this broadcast he says:
“The more you looked into their results the less there was, unfortunately.
They’ve been very careful there [at SRI], but there are mistakes.
The data was not carefully preserved, things were not dated, there were only two positive runs as I recall . . .
Note that by 1994, McKubre et al. had reported at least 14 experiments producing excess heat, including one at 340% excess. See: http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/McKubreMCHdevelopmen.pdf