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Recent Posts:
- 16th International Workshop of Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals (IWAHLM-16)
- Making activated palladium with Dr. Edmund Storms
- ICCF-25
- DoE ARPA-E announces funding for 8 cold fusion projects
- CORDIS, EU’s primary source of R&D information reports progress
- Database of cold fusion literature by Freire
- U.S. Government increases its cold fusion research
- Storms interview at The Rational View podcast with Dr. Al Scott
- U.S. Department of Energy Announces Up to $10 Million to Study Low-Energy Nuclear reactions
- ICCF24 videos uploaded
- European Union funds cold fusion research
- 15th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals
- ICCF24
- ARPA-E Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions Workshop
- ICCF-23 Conference
- Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Workshop in memory of Dr. M. Srinivasan
- ICCF22 Conference
- Proceedings of the 19th Meeting of Japan CF Research Society
- ICCF21 Conference
- Books by Beaudette, Mallove and Mizuno in Kindle format
- ICCF20, 2-7 October 2016
- Statement of Industrial Heat Regarding LENR Industry Developments
- Edmund Storms announces new results with palladium
- YouTube video: Brief Introduction to Cold Fusion
- Current Science, Special Section: Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
- ICCF19 was held in April 2015
- Levi et al. publish a second, extended report on Rossi reactor
- Mats Lewan reports on Rossi, and Defkalion
- ICCF18 Conference
- Download Mizuno’s ICCF18 paper here
- John O’M Bockris dead
- Levi et al. publish a definitive test of the Rossi high temperature reactor
- Graham Hubler appointed director of Nuclear Renaissance Institute
- Scientific American censors discussion of cold fusion, including statements by its own editors
- Cold fusion in mass media articles
- Cold fusion featured at NIWeek 2012
- Martin Fleischmann dead at 85
- ICCF-17
- International Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Symposium
- Billionaire donates $5.5 million for cold fusion research at the University of Missouri
- New edition of A Student’s Guide to Cold Fusion
- 10th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals
- CERN Colloquium videos – Overview of Theoretical and Experimental Progress in LENR
- Edmund Storms on “The Space Show”
- McKubre lecture at SRI’s Cafe Scientifique Silicon Valley on YouTube
- Rossi device again demonstrated in self-sustaining mode. Large reactor demonstrated
- Defkalion Green Technologies s.a. press conference
- Plans to begin commercial cold fusion reactor production this year
- Rossi 18-hour demonstration
- Rossi 6-hour demonstration convinces Swedish experts
- ICCF-16
- Focardi and Rossi demonstration
- ICCF-14 Proceedings uploaded
- Cold Fusion Laboratory Opens
- AIP Abruptly Cancels Publication
- Cold Fusion Now website
- Suspects Arrested in Mallove Murder
- ICCF-3 and ICCF-5 Proceedings uploaded
- Arata replication by Kitamura et al. and Kidwell et al.
- American Chemical Society March 2010 meeting cold fusion program
- Defense Intelligence Agency report
- ICCF-15 Conference
- Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) books uploaded
- CBS 60 Minutes alters cold fusion report in response to pressure from the APS
- Prof. Robert Duncan gives presentation on cold fusion
- Seminar at U. Missouri, “Excess Heat and Particle Tracks from Deuterium-loaded Palladium”
- CBS 60 Minutes reports on cold fusion
- Twentieth Anniversary of the Announcement of Cold Fusion
- Prof. D. Nagel gives keynote address at ISA EXPO 2008
- ICCF14 Conference, ACS Conference
- Continued persecution of sono-fusion at Purdue
- Prof. Y. Arata Gives Lecture and Demonstration at Osaka University
- Arthur C. Clarke, a friend to cold fusion, dies at age 90
- Cold fusion conferences held in India
- Lecture by Edmund Storms at YouTube
- 8th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen / Deuterium Loaded Metals
- Congressman joins latest effort to suppress cold fusion research
- Cold Fusion Presentations at the ACS and APS
- U.S. Navy SPAWARS experiments with CR-39
- Nature and Scientific American on the Warpath Again
- Melvin H. Miles website
- Papers in Chinese, and a new e-book in Japanese by T. Mizuno
- Washington Post, Time and others attack cold fusion
- LENR-CANR welcomes a growing international audience
- Nature Attacks Cold Fusion Again
- NPR Radio Program on Cold Fusion
- Two New Papers from Szpak et al.
- Haiko Lietz writes in Telepolis about Taleyarkhan’s sonofusion, and cold fusion
- DoE Breaks Its Promise Again
- The Scientific American Slams Cold Fusion Again
- Nikkei newspaper 2004 year-end roundup includes cold fusion in top 20 most significant advances
- Brian Josephson lectures on cold fusion
- Eugene Mallove dead
- 2004 Cold Fusion Report