Books and journals

This section contains a list of the full-length books and proceedings available for download in the LENR-CANR library.


Three full-text books can be downloaded from

EPRI Development of Energy Production Systems from Heat Produced in Deuterated Metals Vols. 1 and 2:Volume 1 Volume 2

Rothwell, J., Cold Fusion And The Future. 2004: Versions of this book are also available in Brazilian Portuguese and Japanese.

Another book in Japanese is here:

Mizuno, T., 常温核融合プロジェクト(Cold Fusion Project). 2006: LENR-CANR

Some major printed books about cold fusion are listed here.

Entire Journal Issues

All issues of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science are available here. They are copied from

Here is an index of all papers in the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science.

wdt_ID Author Title Link
1 Bockris, J. Accountability and academic freedom: The battle concerning research on cold fusion at Texas A&M University
2 Chubb, S. R. Introduction to the Special Issue of Accountability in Research Dealing With "Cold Fusion"
3 Fleischmann, M. Reflections on the Sociology of Science and Social Responsibility in Science, in Relationship to Cold Fusion
4 Goodstein, D. Whatever Happened to Cold Fusion?
5 Jones, S. E. Chasing anomalous signals: the cold fusion question
6 Miley, G. H. Some personal reflections on scientific ethics and the cold fusion 'episode'
7 Nagel, D. J. Fusion Physics and Philosophy
8 Scaramuzzi, F. Ten Years of Cold Fusion: An Eye-witness Account
9 Shamoo, A. E. Editorial

EPRI/NSF Conference Proceedings

The EPRI-NSF Workshop on Anomalous Effects in Deuterided Metals was a seminal meeting on cold fusion, held on October 16-18, 1989, Washington, D.C. The proceedings includes both the papers presented and transcripts of the discussions held after the presentations. See:

Proceedings: EPRI-NSF Workshop on Anomalous Effects in Deuterided Metals

ICCF Conference Proceedings

ICCF Conference proceedings have been moved to a new page.