The Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-10) was held in Cambridge, Massachusetts 24 – 29 August 2003. This page in our Special Collections an electronic version of the conference proceedings. It includes papers, PowerPoint presentations from lectures, and poster session material.
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Some Highlighted ICCF-10 Papers
A paper by Higashiyama (of Osaka University) describes a replication of the Iwamura (Mitsubishi) transmutation experiment, performed with assistance from Mitsubishi. The results were confirmed at Osaka U. and at one of Japan’s preeminent laboratories, the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). These transmutations have also been confirmed in tests with one of the best instruments in the world, at Probion Analysis, Inc., in France. This is described in one of Iwamura’s papers published in the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (The abstract and URL for this paper are here.)
One of the most notable presentations at ICCF-10 was made by F. Gordon, of the SPAWAR Systems Center, U.S. Navy, Polarized D+/Pd-D2O System: Hot Spots and ” Mini-Explosions” . We are pleased to present the PowerPoint slides from this presentation. Gordon also showed a short, dramatic computer video from the IR detector showing that the excess heat originates in ” hot spots” in the cathode. We hope this video can be made available either at the Navy website or here at An excitingpaper and PowerPoint slides from Letts and Cravens describe laser stimulated cold fusion. See also the photographs below, and the paper from Cravens.
ICCF-10 began with an informal but intense one-day Short Course on LENR, on August 25. Here are detailed PowerPoint slides presented during the Course by M. McKubre, showing some of the most remarkable cold fusion results on record, and some of the most precise conventional water-based calorimeters in the world.
Here are the ICCF-10 Abstracts, in Acrobat PDF format (1.5 MB). Abstracts are sorted by the principal author’s last name
Photos from the Conference
Three excess heat experiments were shown in live demonstrations at ICCF10, including two on August 26, in a laboratory at MIT that was open to the public:
- A cell in a precision calorimeter was shown by Mitchell Swartz and Gayle Verner at MIT.
- An excess heat cell and a blank control cell was shown by John Dash and his students, also at MIT. This experiment was conducted by high school students working at the Portland State University, Low Energy Nuclear Laboratory.
- A cell located in Texas was demonstrated over an Internet video link by Dennis Cravens and Dennis Letts during their lectures.
Description of Dash Experiment
A control cell containing two platinum foil electrodes and an electrolyte containing sulfuric acid and light water is connected in series to an experimental cell containing a platinum foil anode, a palladium foil cathode, and an electrolyte containing sulfuric acid and heavy water. After passing current for several hours, the experimental cell is found to produce up to four watts of excess thermal power in comparison to the control cell. Excess heat is produced in about 75% of the experiments. Evidence of localized concentrations of silver is found on most of the palladium electrodes after electrolysis. Three high school students and a graduate performed the demonstration and discussed their results with conference participants.
See more photos of the students under “A Look At Experiments.”
Cravens and Letts demonstrated laser stimulated cold fusion. Here is a recent photo from the LABCAM showing dual laser stimulation. At ICCF-10, McKubre and Storms both reported replications of the laser stimulation Letts’ effect. The Storms paper is available here.
The cell continued to produce excess heat after the conference. Here is a look at results as of September 11, 2003. See also the paper and PowerPoint slides from Dennis Letts (which are also in the sample Proceedings list, below).
One of the many fascinating slides shown by McKubre during the Short Course on LENR at ICCF-10.